Thursday, June 16, 2011

How to Get THERE from Here

It seems we all want something else. To be richer, happier, drive a nicer car, have a better job, be in a fulfilling relationship or take a vacation somewhere with white sparkling sand, palm trees, and drinks with little umbrellas in them. Yes, it's the norm, we all want something. The same is true with our emotions. sometimes we're angry, sad, frustrated, anxious or feel on the verge or road rage for no apparent reason. And then you come across one of a plethora of books on Happiness. Happiness, you might think, yeah, happiness my____fill in the blanks!

But deep down inside happiness is something we all want, but how? Are there simple shortcuts? Is that possible? I believe it is. The short, one word answer as to how is:


Ok, yes, I'll explain. We can train ourselves to focus our emotions in any direction we want. Yes, it takes a bit of practice and concentration, but it is something we are all caable of doing.

Let's use an extreme example. Let's say someone, play along, pretend it's you, is in prison. A horrible deep, dark, isolated prison with nothing but a rat creeping through your cell. You are incredibly angry that you are there because it was a case of mistaken identity. You don't deserve this, it's not fair and even the thought of happiness is quite removed from your existence and maybe at this moment you have lost any faith in a God, or creator of any sort. 

But you have one saving grace. There is a small window high on the wall about 18 by 20 inches. This window is old and drafty. You look up through the dirt-smeared window to glimpse the sky. You stare at the color of blue. To you it is the most magnificent hue you have ever seen. You walk closer and feel a slight breeze coming through the window and onto your face, pushing your hair back ever so gently. A slight wisp of a cloud creates a white drawing on an azure canvas. All is forgotten except the beauty of what you are focusing on. There is only awareness of this beautiful sky that you are peering at. A calm envelopes you that is indescribable and you feel as if you are swimming, floating and dancing on this white cloud. Your imagination, and your emotions soar with delight. An isirresistible smile comes over your face, and in that moment, that very beautiful moment of existence, you are happy.

Why? Because you were able to focus all of your emotions, all of your attention, all of your beingness on something so small, and something so grand as the heavenly sky.

So next time you want to change in an instant. Try it. Focus all of your attention on something that will bring you joy. Maybe it's a flower, or a song, or the sky. Maybe it's the eyes of someone you love or the sound of laughter. Maybe it's a ladybug that lands on your finger, the fragrance of a glass of wine, or a painting.

With Love, Joy,and Focus!
ps. That is why painting brings me joy...all of my attention, all of my focus is on putting brush to canvas.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Artist Statement or Why I Paint

The answer seems so simple. I paint because I love to put a brush loaded with delicious, vibrant colors, each color a celebration of a different note of life experience, to canvas. There can be no other reason for me than that the act of creation is pure bliss. This is the process.

However there is a second crucial part to art: the product. Sometimes a painting touches the heart and soul of another. The painting, or the product of my acts of creation are universal themes intended to inspire, uplift and heal. This is my wish for the viewer, to give a soulful, heartfelt experience which celebrates humanity. This is why I exhibit and sell my art.

I've had the highs of ego: art shows in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and museums; an MFA from a prestigious school; grants from well-know foundations; reviews that called my work genius. And I've had the lows of "my 5 year old can paint like that" and the feeling of being overwhelmed and burned out with 23 exhibits in one year which resulted in a loss of focus on why I paint. I've had the lows of setting aside by paint brushes for the span of a decade to explore other creative outlets, but I've returned grounded, confident, and more joyful in my creations than ever.

It's simple: I paint because I love to paint. And in doing so I know that in my delicious, colorful, universal and joyful moments of creation, I enhance the world with love. I welcome you to share my gifts from my heart to yours.

Look ahead...there is more goodness coming your way.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

This week I've talked with 2 mothers whose sons died prematurely. One was by suicide 3 years ago, and the other in a car accident 16 years ago. The mother whose son died 16 years ago was still in pain and she explained his death was such a shock to her that she had bottled up her emotions for years. Only recently had she allowed feelings of rage, anger, and deep missing bubble to the surface. She said she was better now, but her face and eyes showed the scars of the lie that she had told for so many years. We talked for awhile and she told me how the arts had helped her express what she could not say to others. She wrote poetry, and out of this poured her grief.

The mother whose son committed suicide is moving to another state to be closer to her grandson. Yes, the pain in her heart, ignited by a single gunshot, is still there, but she feels it important to play a stronger role to her son's young son. I wondered about the pain her grandson must feel in missing his father?

It is easy to post a simple Happy Mother's Day on the wall of Facebook, but I felt I wanted to go deeper this year and remember the mothers for whom this day may not be so joyous. My heart goes out to you. I pray you can find healing, wholeness and one day soon remember with joy and laughter the fond and oh so precious memories that you had with your sons.

Yes, two mothers who have lost so much, and I have so much to be grateful for.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Emergence Sweetly

It came upon me fast. The energy swirled counter clock-wise from my head to my toes encasing me in a cocoon of light so strong, so heavy that I could not move.
It was time for me to hibernate and regain something I'd lost along the way - a bit of myself. I succumbed to the weight of an energy unseen, unheard, that consumed my every fear. I breathe deeply and let go. There was nothing else I could do at that point in time. The distant helpers were skilled and that moment, I was their person of choice.

Ten minutes later, it released me. I rose, made tea and prepared food to nourish myself. All was normal, for a few minutes.

Then again, it happened, so swiftly. I was compelled to lay down. This time the energy swirled from deep within the mother earth, up and around me. Again I was encased like an unmovable cocoon. Ten minutes later, I was released.

My wings fluttered ever so gently. They were still wet from the cocoon from which I had emerged. I tested them again. They were strong and vibrant. I knew a whole new world of life was waiting for me to experience with renewed passion.

I kissed the earth and flew away.

With Joy in My Heart,

Monday, March 28, 2011

It's 4 a.m. and I'm shedding old skins

I'm listening to the rain. Constant. Steady. I doubt that the sun will come out today. I'm warm, dry, secure in my little nest of a house, a temporary abode, I'm sure. I'm surrounded by my paintings and amazed I can fit so many on the walls of a 500 sq. foot home. You see, I've downsized, as many of us have, but it feels right. I'm shedding old skins and making ready for the new.

The new. With the state of the world one wonders, what will the world be like now? Earthquakes, deaths, radiation in drinking water. What will the news bring today?

A radio interviewer said I was a "happyolist". You see, Happiness Awaits You! was my idea. Since the book came out, I've wondered, am I supposed to "be happy" all of the time? Is that possible? And if so is it authentic?

Recently I met a woman who is known for her creativity. She has a unique style, numerous books published and gives workshops across the nation. I was a volunteer her workshop and was amazed at what I was perceiving. She was jovial, upbeat, unique, just like her books. But as I gazed at her, I wondered, is this a well polished act? Is she authentically happy? Sadly, she seemed a facade and merely carrying on the one woman show she had manufactured and portrayed for years on end.

I knew that what I was seeing was not for me. I knew I needed more: I needed to be genuine in my joy. To do this I needed to be honest with myself and my emotions. To cry when I felt it, to feel the pain of others if need be, and my own pain, too. I knew I needed to be in the moment and experience whatever hand life dealt me.

I also knew that I had a choice in the matter. I could express my emotions and move on, or I could wallow in them. I could have a pity party, or I could decide, enough tears, it's time to move on. I could look at a sunflower, and its deep brown-ebony center and wonder of the mysteries of life, and I could absorb the yellow-gold color of shear delight into my being and radiate the joy that delicious color felt like to me.

Rain, sunshine, no matter. My joy is eternal in this moment. It is all I have, authentically, right now.

Radiating Authentic Joy,
"Field of Sunflowers"
acrylic on canvas
by Maggie TerryViale

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Moon Dancing

I watched the full moon glide across the evening sky. It danced slowly from left to right before it hid behind the trees at dawn. The glowing orb had disappeared from view, but it's still there. I know it is.

Maybe that's what Joy is like. It's always there but sometimes it hides from our awareness just waiting for the right time to reappear.

With the moon, I would not have seen it if I did not open the blinds of my bedroom window before I went to sleep. Then as if my magic, it appeared from the clouds around midnight. It had rings of luminous haze surrounding it, magnifying it's glow.

So too with joy, maybe to feel it's magnificence, we only need to open the blinds of our eyes and look in the right direction. Yes, look in the right direction because even if it's right in front of us we won't see it if we're looking at the shadows of our life. And sometimes when we least expect it, just like magic, it appears.

But, like the moon, Joy is always there.

Today is the first day of the rest of my life, and I don't know about you, but I'm setting my sights for the moon. As they say, shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you might land in the stars.

Happy Journeys!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Path to Happiness or Where is my Box of Kleenex?

Dear Beautiful Person, and beautiful you are!

I'm just a regular person, just like you. There is no Ph.D. in psychology after my name.  I hurt, I love, I feel, I'm learning to evolve into a better human being. Some of you will resonate with what I say, others will not. I write to express myself and to share with an open heart.

These are my thoughts, my emotions, my passions, my visions along my path of discovery. Part of that discovery is learning what brings me joy. Perhaps you'll want to tag along on this journey, leave a comment or two, share with others your feelings, and if it strikes you, pass along this blog to others who might benefit from it.

A thought today: Maybe the path to Joy is paved with tears. Tears of sorrows, tears of goodbye, tears of discovery, tears of learning, tears of appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us, and most of all, tears of happy, uncontrollable, almost pee my pants, laughter. Let there be more Laughter!

Be brave, show your emotions and carry Kleenex with you always!

With Love,

Day 1 - Today is a new day!

It's been 1 week since the earthquake in Japan. There may be as many as 10,000 killed, aftershocks continue and there is still the potential for a nuclear meltdown. And today I am starting and sharing a blog, my first ever, on of all topics JOY.

It is not that I am insensitive to world events, but maybe because of them that this blog is being created. As the back of my book cover states, "Happiness Awaits You! began with one woman's desire to bring more happiness into the world. She realized loss and other life changing events often cause us to lose sight of the people and things that bring us joy."

This is why I am creating this blog. In a way it is a continuation of our book, Happiness AwaitsYou!

Tomorrow I will be with Kylee, age 7, and Anthony, age 1. they are my grandchildren. I know that they, as all children have been, affected by this disaster. Parents watch the news. The news affects us. Our moods and feelings affect our children and grandchildren. What role model do I want to be for them? Will it help them if I am depressed about the lives lost, or the threat of a nuclear meltdown? Can I explain with compassion to a 7 year old what has happened?

Can I focus on the beauty and joy that surrounds me now? Can I appreciate even more how precious life is? Will I laugh and giggle with little Anthony and teach him a new words, like "flower, butterfly, pretty, birds"?

Happiness is a choice. And in this moment, this precious moment, I am choosing to appreciate life and be joyful now.

With Peace and Love from my heart of hearts,