Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

This week I've talked with 2 mothers whose sons died prematurely. One was by suicide 3 years ago, and the other in a car accident 16 years ago. The mother whose son died 16 years ago was still in pain and she explained his death was such a shock to her that she had bottled up her emotions for years. Only recently had she allowed feelings of rage, anger, and deep missing bubble to the surface. She said she was better now, but her face and eyes showed the scars of the lie that she had told for so many years. We talked for awhile and she told me how the arts had helped her express what she could not say to others. She wrote poetry, and out of this poured her grief.

The mother whose son committed suicide is moving to another state to be closer to her grandson. Yes, the pain in her heart, ignited by a single gunshot, is still there, but she feels it important to play a stronger role to her son's young son. I wondered about the pain her grandson must feel in missing his father?

It is easy to post a simple Happy Mother's Day on the wall of Facebook, but I felt I wanted to go deeper this year and remember the mothers for whom this day may not be so joyous. My heart goes out to you. I pray you can find healing, wholeness and one day soon remember with joy and laughter the fond and oh so precious memories that you had with your sons.

Yes, two mothers who have lost so much, and I have so much to be grateful for.

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