Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Emergence Sweetly

It came upon me fast. The energy swirled counter clock-wise from my head to my toes encasing me in a cocoon of light so strong, so heavy that I could not move.
It was time for me to hibernate and regain something I'd lost along the way - a bit of myself. I succumbed to the weight of an energy unseen, unheard, that consumed my every fear. I breathe deeply and let go. There was nothing else I could do at that point in time. The distant helpers were skilled and that moment, I was their person of choice.

Ten minutes later, it released me. I rose, made tea and prepared food to nourish myself. All was normal, for a few minutes.

Then again, it happened, so swiftly. I was compelled to lay down. This time the energy swirled from deep within the mother earth, up and around me. Again I was encased like an unmovable cocoon. Ten minutes later, I was released.

My wings fluttered ever so gently. They were still wet from the cocoon from which I had emerged. I tested them again. They were strong and vibrant. I knew a whole new world of life was waiting for me to experience with renewed passion.

I kissed the earth and flew away.

With Joy in My Heart,

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